Monday, November 18, 2019

What's Breaking?

A breaking news article is enough of a trigger to awaken the judge within us. A judge who comes to a conclusion the very moment a news breaks, purely based on stereotypes and far away from truth. Ever wondered why many high intensity cases run through trials for years? Heavy backlog of cases with never ending accumulation of newer crimes are certainly not the only reason behind this. A judgement pronounced in a case changes the lives of all the parties involved and such verdicts are never provided hastily. How many times have we seen judgements provided by lower courts being altered by a superior court of Justice? Aren't they thoroughly analysed in the lower courts? Every case will be given all the time it demands so as to bring out the truth and avoid convicting the wrong person. That being said, will it be fair to jump into conclusions without even hearing the full story, let alone analysing them. Sadly that's what's being done everyday by most people. Thanks to the zillion sources of news channels that easily manipulates a person's thought process. What's funny is that the same mind that accuses a person or a community due to stereotyping, fails to agree the truth even when it's proved wrong based on evidences and analysis. People are fine with news manipulating their minds as long as it aligns with their perception, even if it's not true. 

The real problem seems to lie behind the fact that news are being perceived more as an entertainment rather that a piece of information. We have started enjoying arguments and debates on everything and refuse to settle for simply knowing that something unusual has happened somewhere. Simply put, we fell for the tactics by news channels aiming to keep us hooked to them. 

Remember the beautiful days when newspapers were the only source letting people know the happenings around them? News was confined to a limited number of pages and nothing more. People were left with just the basic details of what, when and where that greatly limits one's imagination beyond a certain point. Even if one imagined more it never manipulated anyone else in the form of comments or social media forwards. Things were still greatly under control when TV channels aired news for half an hour twice everyday. Those news hours were mostly viewed as a disturbance amidst our favorite programme on the TV. Things were never the same when dedicated channels started mushrooming for just news. Seriously, is everything aired round the clock that important to know? Can't we survive without knowing every other crap in the name of news? It doesn't just end there. News channels go a step beyond in elaborating a news by letting 4 people shout on top of their voice about what they feel might have happened and how they think should it progress and how a certain community is always behind similar incidents happening in the state. Thereon, the core issue is diluted with too many other ingredients totally unrelated to the news and the real problem take a turn towards a common agenda of accusing a certain community of people. The already manipulated and emotionally charged minds starts identifying insignificant similarities that can relate the current incident with a person or a group that is unrelated to the news and the vicious cycle continues to roll and snowball picking up everyday incidents. By the time the first news finds its logical closure, the damage is already done and we either ignore the facts or doubt the judgement. 

It all begins with us being judgemental about every other thing happening around. We fail to filter out things that don't really matter to us and start consuming them which slowly corrupts our mind. A solution to this could be as simple as listening vs analysing something we hear. Listening is enough for one's awareness whereas analysing leads to unwarranted conclusions especially when done without knowing the facts. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said ramu, news has sadly become an entertainment for people and the channels use that to suck people into them. Multiple things which ached recently - a national news channel released a painful news first and it was pathetic that they kept branding in bold white letters in red background as "First in our channel". The hell with that! It was a miserable news how does it matter if it was released first or not. And whom does it matter to? Was it targeted to the companies which partner with them for advertising promoting that they gain access to news first and so people have the most attention of their channel. More than the bad news this was horrible to digest. Second is news channels trying to feed it unwanted silly things as news which as relevant with the current trend. Mom was watching news the other day and there was a ten minute news of a woman creating some conspiracy over a big boss winner. And this was going on and on in that channel. I was intrigued and asked mom who she was and what happened. The issue was extremely silly that I felt I wasted my ten minutes watching that and listening about it.

Real issues are rarely discussed. Very very few issues are actually protrayed properly. And to top it all the money seeking community in youtube create teaser videos of such unworthy news and trend it making it worse. This is sadly becoming a spiralling effect when the news channels start a spark, social media platforms are bombarded with unwanted hype of that junk and in turn news channels start talking about how much that news is trending.

Exactly, it was so peaceful when news was only for one hr and most of the times we change channels or switch it off during that time. We believed and trusted the world. People did not get ideas from news to commit other crimes and blame them later. We did not fear much. We now have 8 regional news channels and I wonder why. Hardly people look into the national DD channel. Finally, news need not be always the bad ones which happen in any nook and corner. Out of 20 news articles which are provided hardly one or two would be the good things happening and mostly that would be on sports.. I badly wish this trend changes. Reminds me of Kavan movie

Personally I stopped my intake of news. I am missing out on current trend but its better than intaking more unwanted junk.

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